SqueezeNet Architecture Design


What is SqueezeNet?

  • a deep convolutional neural network (CNN)

  • compressed architecture design

  • model contains relatively small amount of parameters

  • achieve AlexNet-level accuracy on ImageNet dataset with 50x fewer parameters

Three advantages of small CNN architectures:

  • require less communication across servers during distributed training.

  • require less bandwidth to export a new model from the cloud.

  • more feasible to deploy on customized hardware with limited memory.

References and Additional Information

Architectural Design Strategies

The authors outline 3 main strategies for reducing parameter size while maximizing accuracy

Strategy 1

Make the network smaller by replacing 3x3 filters with 1x1 filters

  • conventional 3x3 replaced by 1x1 convolution filters

  • 1x1 filter has 9X fewer parameters than a 3x3 filter

Difference between 3x3 filters and 1x1 filters

3x3 filters

  • larger spacial receptive field

  • captures spatial information of pixels close to each other.

1x1 filters

  • looks at one pixel at the time

  • caputres relationships amongst its channels

  • equivalent to a fully connected layer along the channel dimension

Strategy 2

Reduce the number of inputs for the remaining 3x3 filters.

  • fewer inputs to conv layers result in fewer parameters

  • achieved by using only 1x1 filters prior to the 3x3 conv layer

  • called the squeeze layer (description in next section)

  • total number of parameters in 3x3 conv layer = (number of input channels) (number of filters) (3*3)

Strategy 3

Downsample late in the network so that convolution layers have large activation maps.

  • make the most of smaller number of parameters and maximize accuracy

  • delaying downsampling late in the network, creates larger activation/feature maps

  • departure from more traditional architectures like the VGG network that use early downsampling

  • large activation maps results in a higher classification accuracy given the same number of parameters

VGG Architecure with early downsampling

The two main ways to achieve downsampling:

  • strides > 1 in the convolutional layers

  • pooling layers (eg max/average pooling)

General Strategy

  • Strategies 1 and 2 are about carefully decreasing the quantity of parameters in a CNN while attempting to preserve accuracy.

  • Strategy 3 is about maximizing accuracy on a limited budget of parameters.

Fire Module

What is the Fire Module?

  • building block used in the SqueezeNet

  • employs Strategies 1, 2, and 3

  • comprised of squeeze layers which have only 1x1 filters (strategy 1)

  • comprised of expand layers which have a mix of 1x1 and 3x3 convolution filters

  • number of filters in squeeze layer must be less than the expand layer (strategy 2)

SqueezeNet Architecture

Layers breakdown

  • layer 1: regular convolution layer

  • layer 2-9: fire module (squeeze + expand layer)

  • layer 10: regular convolution layer

  • layer 11: softmax layer

Architecure specifications

  • gradually increase number of filters per fire module

  • max-pooling with stride of 2 after layer 1,4,8

  • average-pooling after layer 10

  • delayed downsampling with pooling layers

Next Lesson

Implementation of SqueezeNet

  • Implementation of Fire module

  • Implementation of full SqueezeNet model

Last updated