Xception Architectural Design

Xception model

  • Inspired by Google's Inception model

  • Xception is based on an 'extreme' interpretation of the Inception model

  • The Xception architecture is a linear stack of depthwise separable convolution layers with residual connections

  • Simple and modular architecture

Depthwise Separable Convolution

Regular Convolutions:

  • look at both channel & spatial correlations simultaneously

Depthwise separable convolution:

  • look at channel & spatial correlations independently in successive steps

  • spatial convolution: 3x3 convolutions for each channel

  • depthwise convolution: 1x1 convolutions on concatenated channels

Example: take 3x3 convolutional layer on 16 input channels and 32 output channels.

  • regular convolution: 16x32x3x3 = 4608 parameters

  • depthwise separable convolution: (spatial conv + depthwise conv) = (16x3x3 + 16x32x1x1) = 656 parameters

  • greatly reduced parameter count

  • more efficient complexity

  • maintains cross-channel features

Inception Model

  • fundamental hypothesis: cross-channel correlations and spatial correlations are sufficiently decoupled

  • first looks at crosschannel correlations via a set of 1x1 convolutions.

  • then acts as a “multi-level feature extractor” by computing 1×1, 3×3, and 5×5 convolutions

  • output feature maps are stacked along the channel dimension

“extreme” version of Inception module:

  • first use a 1x1 convolution to map cross-channel correlations

  • then separately map the spatial correlations of every output channel (instead of just 3-4 partitions)

  • Similar to depthwise separable convolution

What makes depthwise separable convolution different

Two differences between and “extreme” version of an Inception module and a depthwise separable convolution

  1. The order of the operations:

    • depthwise separable convolutions perform first channel-wise spatial convolution and then perform 1x1 depthwise convolution on the output.

  2. Non-linearity after the first operation:

    • In Inception both operations are followed by a ReLU non-linearity

    • In depthwise separable convolutions don't have intermediate non-linearities

Xception architecture

  • convolutional neural network architecture based entirely on depthwise separable convolution layers.

  • fundamental hypothesis: mapping of cross-channels correlations and spatial correlations can be entirely decoupled.

  • composed of 36 convolutional layers forming the feature extraction base of the network

  • structured into 14 modules, all of which have linear residual connections around them, except for the first and last modules.

Next Lesson

Implementation of Xception model

  • depthwise separable convolution

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